Prem Rawat spoke in Durban, South Africa, where it had been 11 years since his last visit. He was joyfully welcomed by the local audience, while more than 5,700 TimelessToday virtual viewers were reminded about the true strength and beauty of a human being. He invited listeners to experience and know their real nature.
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During Prem Rawat’s compelling direct-to-camera broadcast from Cape Town, South Africa, on April 30, 2023, he reminds the viewer of the difference between belief and knowing. His words paint an image of a world in turmoil, seeking answers everywhere, while the one true answer to life’s mystery is right there in the renewable experience of each breath.
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During Prem Rawat’s compelling direct-to-camera broadcast from Cape Town, South Africa, on April 30, 2023, he reminds the viewer of the difference between belief and knowing. His words paint an image of a world in turmoil, seeking answers everywhere, while the one true answer to life’s mystery is right there in the renewable experience of each breath.
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Prem Rawat’s achievements of launching the Hindi version of his bestseller, “Hear Yourself,” and becoming a Guinness World Records holder for the largest audience during a single author’s reading, were again celebrated during this April 9, 2023 event in Mirzapur, India.
Author and masterful storyteller, Prem Rawat shared his wisdom and addressed the importance of understanding an unspoken story that touches the heart and impacts a lifetime with joy that, as he says, is easily attainable. His relentless commitment to bringing this message to people from all walks of life around the world continues on.
The event included an insightful behind-the-scenes video from the Author Event in Lucknow.
The replay of this event, as well as Prem Rawat’s insights into how simple it is to be happy, even in the face of great sorrow and sadness, is now available to Classic and Premier subscribers.
Prem Rawat’s achievements of launching the Hindi version of his bestseller, “Hear Yourself,” and becoming a Guinness World Records holder for the largest audience during a single author’s reading, were again celebrated during this April 9, 2023 event in Mirzapur, India.
Author and masterful storyteller, Prem Rawat shared his wisdom and addressed the importance of understanding an unspoken story that touches the heart and impacts a lifetime with joy that, as he says, is easily attainable. His relentless commitment to bringing this message to people from all walks of life around the world continues on.
The event included an insightful behind-the-scenes video from the Author Event in Lucknow.
The replay of this event, as well as Prem Rawat’s insights into how simple it is to be happy, even in the face of great sorrow and sadness, is now available to Classic and Premier subscribers.
Following a typhoon that hit Lucknow, India only days before Prem Rawat’s Author Event on April 2, 2023, over 114,000 people gathered for the launch of the Hindi version of his book, “Hear Yourself.” An additional virtual audience of 8,923 logged in from 86 countries, and Anjan TV also shared the celebration.
The bestselling author read from his “Hear Yourself” book, Chapter 3: “Ground Yourself in Infinite Peace,” in Hindi, and answered questions from the Indian actress, Bhagayashree, who joined him on stage.
The author’s heartfelt words, based on decades of experience, emphasized the importance of finding one’s own joy and peace within, no matter the situation, and how this is humankind’s greatest possible achievement.
Surprising the audience at the end of the event, an adjudicator from Guinness World Records came on stage and announced that Prem Rawat had smashed the 2018 prior record for the largest audience attending a single author’s reading. Congratulations, Prem Rawat!